Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Not so bad, Not so good

So yesterday wasn't exactly the Amazing, "NEW ME" start I wanted but I have to say I wasn't terrible. I didn't fall back into the 'oh i messed up Ill just start next week' mode I've been in in the past. Like I said I didn't necessarily have egg whites, salads, and fresh salmon, but on the same note I didn't have a mcgriddle, m&ms, and every other artery clogging, booty jiggling other thing I could have had! As far as working out, im guilty of not lacing up the running shoes once again. Ughh I feel ashamed. However I did start something I plan to keep up with. My brother and mom have both been doing it or had been doing it for a while, so I decided why the heck not. So now every night before I go to bed I have been and plan to do sit-ups and push-ups. It's actually pretty great. I'm sore as all mighty today and was yesterday, but that just means its working. Plus that is one of the things I will have to work on for the military is doing a number of both in 2 minutes each. I started out at 25 for both sunday night and did 30 each last night. I think I will stick with 30 for a few days until my arms are a little less sore. I like doing htis too because it gives me a chance to get some good stretching in after each set. I may be hitting a new gym on Thursday so we will see how that goes, still gotta get a job to be able to get a membership, but they have cheap day passes and I have a friend who goes there so I'm gonna go check it out. Well that's enough for now, I think I'm gonna go for a jog to the mailbox and see from there :D.

You are what you eat:
  • Breakfast-2 slices white toast (light butter & peanut butter){Apple Juice}[+]
  • Snack-1/2 bag fruit & nut trail mix {Black Cherry Cream Soda}[+-]
  • Lunch/Dinner-Mcd's chicken nuggets, medium fries {Diet coke}[--]
  • Snack-Apple, 1 bite of mango* {Water}[++]
  • Desert-4 Chocolate chip cookies {Water}[-!!]

*I actually tried it, I was informed mine wasn't ripe yet which would explain why it was HORRBIBLE!


  • 3 sets of 10 push-ups
  • 3 sets of 10 sit-ups
  • Stretches

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step"- Lao Tzu

Sunday, April 18, 2010

New Start

Alright so I know I've gone through this before. The whole I was a slacker for a long time but now I'm serious about it spiel! OK well some things have gone down and basically I'm ready for a whole new start! In fact I'm so ready for a new start that I recently MOVED to California. That's right drove right across the states! Basically I moved to get out of a place that just made me sick, its not the place itself and definitely not my family, it was the high school. More so the people I had thought to be friends. While I can't say they all turned on me lets just stick with the quote "Who needs enemies when you have friends like mine" yeah that sounds about right. But I'm moving on so who needs them right!
That being said I want to be the best me I can be and with that comes wanting to eat and be healthy, with the ultimate goal of joining the military, hopefully the NAVY but the Coast Guard is still a top choice. So basically I AM going to hold myself to a higher standard, put my nose down and run! I am determined to do this! I know it will take a while to lose all the weight I need to, but I also know that as I'm doing it I'm becoming a healthier, better me. So wish me luck, keep me focused, and check back for my progress. Thank you guys

"Life's problems wouldn't be called
'hurdles' if there wasn't a way to get over them." -Unknown

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Yay Americans!!

Before I give you the skinny on my what not for today I have something to say about Americans. I am so very proud of people right now. While I don't necessarily love the idea of working out in a crowded gym, I have to say I thoroughly joy the fact that there are more people working out, drinking water, and walking/biking around town. I know it has a lot to do with the new year and resolutions and everything, but I really hope it sticks. I am sick and tired of reading about lazy Americans or obesity. If we can all just keep this up and eat healthier maybe people will be happier too :D, that would make my job much more fun lol.
Back to my progress. Yesterday was kind of a pooper. I had all intentions of going to Mindy's(dad's gf) farm and help with the horses, but for some reason I did about 3 things, then I started reading a book...loved it(Deadly Little Secrets)...and then got cold went inside and fell asleep for 3 HOURS!! Oy. So not only did I do absolutely nothing active, I also had about 4 Carrot Cake cupcakes, with Cream Cheese Icing no less :( I tried to make up for it today. I made it to the gym and did pretty good. I got my sweat on, and did some ab and leg work. I can already feel them getting sore!! Ugh!
I am also gonna start having hot green tea with my dinners. I want to double check but Im pretty sure that not only is green tea good for metabolism, drinkg hot liquids with your food is better for digestions and to prevent something with clogged ateries lol. I also bought a magazine called "body+soul" and they have articles about losing weight anf detoxifying and what not plus its only $10 for 10 issues, so I will be subscribing!! YAY! Alright well it's getting late and I need my beauty rest lol.

The Numbers:
Bike-7.84 miles...35 mins...220 Cals .......>$3 in Savings
Tread-2.27 miles...35 mins...256 Cals .......>$2 in Savings
Abs/Legs/Back...3 Sets of 15

The Food:
Breakfast: Sausage/Egg/Cheese on Sourdough, lemonade
Lunch: Toss Salad, Ranch, Lemonade

"There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished
something."-Henry Ford

Monday, January 11, 2010

At it Again in 2010

Okay Okay Okay soooooo I have been a horrible terrible slacker...wait take that back I have been pretty darn good at slacking, its actually doing things that I have failed miserrably at!! As you may have noticed I haven't blogged in a few days, well okay a couple weeks. I know I know Im horrible at this. I never was any good at journals or diaries growing up because I would just forget, then put it off, but I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't quit this. And by golly if it kills me Im going to really try and keep this bad boy going!!
So let's recap...Christmas has come and gone and we are officially in the second week of 2010, crazy huh? So I kinda pooped out on my working out the week before Christmas, when my work-out partner worked a ton of extra shifts and I for some reason thought I didn't want to work-out by myself...big mistake. As a result I strayed off my diet...started drinking again (sodas silly), eating lots of greasy foods, and of course Christmas cookies! As a bonus I got pretty good at making those cookies, finally. And as a day turned to week, turned to nearly a month, I realized that I had put on all the weight I had lost along with a few extra jolly jiggles! So I figured I would start the first of the month...New Year's Resolutions and what not. Well that baby came and danced right past me. So since its Monday and I have a thing about starting stuff on Mondays (makes for an easily measurable week) I have once again vowed to stay on my work out and diet plan. And while I haven't been completely stagnant the past few weeks (helping with horses, working, and that one bike ride) I plan to stay motivated and moving as much as I can. I really wanna meet my weight goals this go around. Currently I am hoping to lose at least 50 pounds with most of it being lost by May so that I can confidently call a recruiter!
I started again with the working out, I wasn't necessarily back to running my 1.5 miles like I was before but I did do the bike for an hour, so as a first-day-back-to-the-gym piece I don't think it was terrible. I may even go on a bike ride around the neighborhood a little later tonight. I have also been drinking Slim Fast(ish) shakes, they aren't terrible by the way! And taking Vitamins so I feel better which of course motivates me to continue feeling better.

The Numbers:
Bike- 11.79 miles...65 mins...370 Cals.............>$4 in savings

The Food:
Breakfast-2 poached eggs, 2 sausage patties, biscuit, lemonade
Lunch-Apple slices, Chicken Sandwich(BK), Gatorade

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important
than any one thing." -Abraham Lincoln

Friday, December 18, 2009

Catching you up!

I know, I know, I know I have kinda slacked lately!! So sorry about that. The good news is that I have not been slacking on my workouts, food...kinda, workouts no. In fact I have been pushing myself harder on the treadmill. I am bound and determined to reach my goal of 1.5 miles in 15 minutes. My week has been pretty busy I have been working and then straight to the gym. Heck I have even been working out like full out on my days off, which is new for me! I think the biggest help has been having someone there with me to talk to and to push me (and not in a shopping cart as my aunt would like to think)! I'm glad I finally have someone to work out with, I mean it is OK working out by yourself, I mean I can go at my own pace and what not, but I often found myself bored with my work out and only doing some of my usual routine or just my cardio, or just walking on the treadmill. It's much harder now to just head out the door after a run because I'm tired. I have to actually sit and do all my arms and running, so that I know Victor got the workout he set out for. I hope that he feels the same way as far as me being able to push him. I have also been blowing my treadmill numbers out of the water this week, because he is there. He will be like "you can finish this mile under (whatever time)" and we give each other high-fives when we do good. And he is doing amazingly also, I am very proud of him and seeing him do his numbers so good definitely brings out the competitive side of me and I push myself harder.
So I think I lost some of my numbers from the last week but I will go ahead and put up what I have, or well what I think it is. I am also gonna put up what numbers I have for Victor. This is basically just most of our treadmill numbers for the last week. I have misplaced some of the numbers, and as far as what else we have been doing is 3 sets of 15 for a variety of machines, primarily arms and abs. I will try to regularly put up our numbers daily as well as my weights, and Victor's if he would like, weekly. As of yesterday I have lost a total of 5 pounds. Which is actually very exciting. Sure its only 5, but that is halfway to my December goal and I still have about 2 weeks to lose the other 5. Woot Woot!!

Current Weight: 185lbs

Treadmill Numbers:
12/14- (J) 278 Cals. - 2.30 Miles - 35 Min
(V) 302 Cals. - 2.32 Miles - 35 Min
12/15- (J) 308 Cals. - 2.55 Miles - 35 Min ... *1.5 miles in 16.45*
(V) 329 Cals. - 2.5 Miles - 35 Min
12/17- (J) Machine Problems :( I did do my running just don't know my numbers!
(V) 325 Cals. - 2.5 Miles - 35 Min
12/18- (J) 268 Cals. - 2.34 Miles - 35 Min ... *1.5 miles in 16.47*
(V) 327 Cals. - 2.53 Miles - 35 Min ... *2 miles in 24.40*

I have been doing my best to eat well and not drink soda, unfortunately I think I unwillingly had soda last night. I stopped at Sonic and ordered a Cherry Limeade (not thinking), and I am pretty sure those have like Sprite in them or some kind of carbonated liquid. Well that's my fun stuff for now I should be back on tomorrow with some kind of news, I may not be able to hit the gym but maybe I will finally go for a run around my neighborhood.

"Everything is connected... no one thing can change by itself." -Paul Hawken

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Week 2, Day 2 (GREAT DAY!!)

I don't have a whole lot of time tonight to describe my day or give my numbers I will put those up tomorrow (morning hopefully). I spent my whole night cooking and baking. I am in a very good mood, I beat a person best today and am a whole lot closer to one of my goals!
Last week when I started working out again I ran a 1.5 mile in 21 mins. My goal for December is to be able to run a 1.5 mile in 15 minutes or under. Today I ran it in 18:20!!!! For those not so good at math, that is a 2:40 improvement in 1 week!! I still have about 2-3 weeks to reach my 15 minute goal! I am very confident that I will be able to reach this goal or come extremely close!! Now I need to start working on my sit-ups and push-ups. I have been doing a lot of ab, arm, and back work-outs so that should be helping!! I think I am going to start doing girly push-ups every night just to start with, then move to big boy push ups.
Well its late and for some reason people need to sleep so tomorrow I will do my full write up for today and then do one for tomorrow if I work out. I had to put a brace on my left knee, it has been more sore than the rest of my body and looks a little bigger than my other knee. Hopefully nothing to worry about but I might need to give it a rest and just do my arms and abs and back tomorrow. Thanks!

"Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination."-Fitzhugh Dodson

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Week 2, Day 1

So I can't say that today was my greatest day. I did work-out, but I left my socks at home so I didn't get to do my treadmill which I have been trying to do alot because I have goals to meet and one involves running. Then again I really didn't want super stinky feet so I stuck with the bike and an ab machine. If you can count I walked around the mall for about an hour, that should count for something right, I mean I was carrying bags and everything. Other than that I didn't feel as though I had an entirely physical/productive day. Let's get down to the nitty gritty:

You are what you eat:
  • Breakfast-PB&J, Multi-Grain Cheerios, Milk
  • Lunch-Steak/Rice Burrito, a few chips (Chiptole), Sweet Tea
  • Dinner-Venison tacos, Gatorade


  • Bike-6.90 miles, 35 minutes, 205 calories burnt
  • Ab machince-5 sets of ten, 30-45 lbs

So thats that for today. Now keep in mind today was my day off and for me to work-out on my day off is actually a big thing. I usually find some way to wiggle out of it. I think the only real disappointments of today is that I ate to much and did get to do my treadmill. I also didn't do as many other machines because there were too many people and my feet were starting to sweat so I just kinda did my bike and ab and left. Oh and just a little fun thing from today other than seeing The Blind Side (which is a really good movie!!!) when I went to work-out today I saw a soccer player from JU. So wierd right I work out in Deland 100 miles from the school I used to go to and what do I see a stinking soccer player lol. Just thought it was funny! Well gotta wake up at 4am so I should probably turn in for the night. Good Night and Thanks.

"All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. "-Ralph
Waldo Emerson